
International Women’s Day 2021

Closing date: 8 April 2021


21 Academy shall be awarding a scholarship to two applicants for this scheme as a positive effort to address ever-pressing issues relating to female participation in employment. The Academy is introducing this measure as statistics clearly show that women are more disadvantaged in the labour market, both in terms of the measure of participation and the breadth of representation. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has also had an adverse impact on female participation in the job market, where many have had to give up their work to address pressing domestic matters.

The aim of the 2 scholarships launched by 21 Academy on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2021 is to provide the necessary tools to females in employment seeking to enhance their career or wishing to return to work.

The Key Objectives of these scholarships are to:

  • Empower women to seek employment or to enhance their career.
  • Better the knowledge of female employees, particularly those in male dominated industries.

Applicants are expected to submit a motivation letter where they indicate which accredited course offered by 21 Academy they intend to pursue if they are successful and why they chose that course and its relevance to their employment plans.

21 Academy will waive all costs associated with course chosen by the successful applicants.